Being & Non-Being Vol.2: The Chiasmata of Austin Osman Spare

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The Chiasmata of Austin Osman Spare - Toward a Participatory Epistemology of the Flesh
[Being & Non-Being in Occult Experience: Volume 2]

by Ian C. Edwards

This volume is an opportunity to experience the writings and art of Austin Osman Spare, in particular, The Book of Pleasure: The Psychology of Ecstasy, through the lens of thinkers such as; Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Georges Bataille, Pierre Klossowski, Jacques Lacan, and Jacques Derrida.

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  • Printed full colour cover. Head and Tail Bands. Book Ribbon.

    Limited to 333 copies



Volume II also explores:

The Importance of Synesthetic Perception and Experience: Shifting from Synesthesia to what Spare calls, “Telesthesia.”

The Oracular in Spare’s Writings and Art

Kenneth Grant and the Reification of Appetence: Spare contra Freud

The Neither-Neither as a Logos for Kia

The Kiacization of Desire

The Death Posture as a way of Transgressing the Law of Duality

Between Good and Evil: The Ethics of Self-Love

Nietzsche the “last metaphysician” and Spare the “last occultist.”

Post-Death of God Occultism

And more!


Themes to highlight is how Spare's Book of Pleasure speaks to a wider audience who have attempted to make explicit unknown dimensions. Building on and from Spare's understanding of Kia (for example), Volume 2 draws on the work of Nietzsche, Derrida, and Lacan to exorcise key contingents embedded within Spare's understanding of image and word. Evolving from what has come before, Ian Edwards embarks on an intense exploration of Being and Non-Being from the position of Spare, and in doing so accomplishes the greatest feat: the creation of an innovative and unique perspective of Spare. Hence, Chiasmata of Austin Osman Spare dispenses with vague celebration and replaces it with a revolutionary zeal that is so capable that it imbibes the reader with shock and awe for what is and for what is not.

Ian comments on his work that “I think the volume itself will situate Spare within a new way of understanding "tradition" that includes thinkers like Nietzsche, Heidegger, Bataille, Merleau-Ponty, Lacan, John of the Cross, etc. without extracting him from the occult and artistic tradition(s) that call him their own. Rather than indicating that any of the aforementioned are either "philosophers", "mystics," "psychoanalysts," or "occultists," the participatory epistemological and occult grammatological approach that I have developed situates thinkers less in terms of any school or tradition they represent but more along the lines of themes and ideas they address in their work.”

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